Michael Malice
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We are here for the sick burns and the LULZ.
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September 05, 2021

Again, Rolling Stone (visons of Virginia Tech) ?

And then the inevitable circle jerk. Disgusting.

Pics respectively of Peter Wade (whose image was very hard to find), then Jon Blistein, and finally "Dr." Jason McElyea

A story could not fall apart any harder.


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This is your welcome.

I'd like to introduce you to my Locals community, a place where I put those tweets I didn't send, discuss upcoming projects and appearances, and ask questions from people whose opinion I actually care about.


i'll be hosting Dave Rubin's show in Atlanta on april 22
here is a preview of my opening monologue

October 12, 2020
Subways back to normal

Grace this week ensuring that I was protected while on the hopper.

Happy Caturday. I woke up to news about Kristi Noemi shooting her dog and stepped in cat vomit, thanks Pepper. It’s been quite a morning. So I give you Pepper who eats too fast and throws up. And Kota who is the naughtiest dog but her cuteness keeps her alive. And some Otters because they are so cute!

2 hours ago


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