Boophone (bow-off-un-knee) is a genus of absolutely spectacular huge bulbs. B. disticha grows in summer, but the much better B. haemanthoides grows in winter. It used to be impossible to find at any price, but seedlings are now quite common and reasonably priced--but the massive adult bulbs are still $$$.
Succulents in general can handle being hot and wet or cold and dry, but cold and wet kills them pretty quick, which makes the winter-growing succulents a major pain. Additionally if you grow them indoors they don't get the cool nights that theyre used to, but if you grow them outdoors it might get too cold in the winter. Then there's the nightmare of transitioning them in and out of dormancy, which depends on temperature or photoperiod or both.
Earlier this year I bucket-list splurged on a huge haemanthoides and then moved it inside and kept it dry during the summer. Some sources say to keep it bone dry during dormancy, others just a splash. Well I watered it a bit and then it looked like it was imploding, I thought I had killed it
Then I just looked again--it's waking up. I've successfully transitioned into and out of dormancy, something I could never pull off in Brooklyn.