Michael Malice
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We are here for the sick burns and the LULZ.
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Greetings Malicitos! I hope y'all are doing alright this Saturday evening.
Beautiful night for a cocktail and cigar, so I have a simple Sazerac and a Rocky Patel Vintage 1990. Couldn't come up with anything else fancy, so the Sazerac with its little bit of sugar, bitters, and glass rinse of absinthe to a nice rye does the trick. Goes well with the cigar.
That hurricane really seemed to mess places up. Whole lot of flooding in the western part of the state, lot of power outages. We got the tornado warning and a hefty amount of rain in the AM, but by afternoon it was fine. Hopefully everyone made it through alright.
I don't know how much more screwed up this election season can get. Yeah, Don Tardo could get ghosted, which isn't out of the realm of possibilities, and someone could bomb DC, but really neither of those is surprising anymore. Maybe The Pig gets off'd and they put Jill in. That'd be messed up. Everything is just so many shades of bizarre that Harambe coming back as the messiah would barely raise an eyebrow.
I did have a thought though, when it comes to what is being touted by the Right as bogus polling. The polls show Herr Hairpiece either a little behind or even with Hamala. What if it is a blowout and Orangeman wins majorly. The Cathedral now has an opportunity to claim The Right stole the election by manipulating the voter rolls, as many red states have been purging illegals or dead people, so with such a disparity in polls vs. results, they could make an argument that the NY liberal only won because he cheated. As I said, feel like anythings possible.
I pray y'all are okay. With the shittyness in the Middle East, I worry for past regulars from the region and our cute little Iranian spook. The warhawks are just itching for more carnage and I fear no one has the balls to tell them "no" until it's too late.
I said it was going to get bumpy and they ain't done yet.

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September 11, 2024
francis took your questions
Santa fe

Guys if you haven't gone to Meow Wolf youre missing out
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This is your welcome.

I'd like to introduce you to my Locals community, a place where I put those tweets I didn't send, discuss upcoming projects and appearances, and ask questions from people whose opinion I actually care about.


Pretty sure we're not getting power for a good week. Ugh

my dad is downsizing, and moving out of the house where I grew up. While going through his house, my dad came across this.

I made it in kindergarten, so it’s at least 50 years old.

the burn on the left came from my mom many years later: she thought I made this for my stepmother, so passive aggressively had an “accident” with it on the stove. she had already destroyed my sister‘s plate a few years earlier.

I honestly thought the damage was much worse, and it was lost forever – it makes me unbelievably happy to have found it.

I do remember saving it from getting completely ruined, and the embarrassment my mom felt when I informed her that this plate was made for her years before my parents divorced.

that week was a big turning point in our relationship. She finally understood the damage her actions caused her kids during that rough period in our lives, as she and I discussed it at length, for days. I don’t think any of my siblings had the deep conversations with her that I had at ...

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Every damn time on the recliner.
My dad made this a den with pics of us all and all in rustic antiques. Its very peaceful.

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